Creating intentional environments through
the 5 Dimensions of Development
Children develop in a variety environments: families, schools, foster parents, churches, special needs, et. al. Daniel and Vicki Hagadorn have combined time-tested research with decades of personal experience to create the 5 Dimensions of Development to help parents establish intentional environments to prepare their kids for life.
Social - Personality and how to thrive in interpersonal relationships
Emotional - Successfully navigating the natural losses in life
Mental - Love of learning, learn how to learn
Physical - Balanced understanding of nutrition/exercise and impact on emotional and mental
Spiritual - Aligning yourself with an authentic understanding of God yourself other people and how life works.
Key Note Speaker | 1 hour
The Art of Influence: Making the impact you want
You will learn:
How to translate the language of any personality into empowerment.
How to become a positive influence in both your personal and professional relationships.
How to translate the language of grief and loss into understanding.
- How belief systems are sabotaging your influence.
- The myths about grief and loss that can limit your life.
- How to create an emotionally safe environment.
Workshop | Half-day
The Art of Influence: Making the impact you want
You will learn:
How to translate the language of any personality into empowerment.
- Understanding the four personality types
- Grooming their strengths, weaknesses, and motivators
How to become a positive influence both your personal and professional relationships.
How to translate the language of grief and loss into understanding.
- How belief systems are sabotaging your life.
- The myths about grief and loss that can limit your life.
- How to create an emotionally safe environment.
Workshop | Full-day
The Art of Influence: Making the impact you want
You will learn:
How to translate the language of any personality into empowerment.
- Understanding the four personality types
- Grooming their strengths, weaknesses, and motivators
- Break-out sessions
How to become a positive influence both your personal and professional relationships.
How to translate the language of grief and loss into understanding.
- How belief systems are sabotaging your life.
- The myths about grief and loss that can limit your life.
- How to create an emotionally safe environment.
- Break out sessions
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